
Coping With Grief After Losing a Dream

Have you recently lost a dream? Maybe you always imagined going to the college your parents attended, but you received a rejection letter after applying. Perhaps you pictured getting back together with a significant other, but you found out that they’ve gotten married to someone else. Or maybe you dreamed of having a family, but you’re dealing with infertility.Whatever the...[ read more ]

Coping With Grief After Losing Your Sense of Safety

If you’re having trouble feeling safe after experiencing a traumatic event or series of events—whether recently or in the distant past—you’re not alone. It’s very common for trauma to cause people to lose their sense of safety. In fact, studies show that traumatic experiences can alter the way that the brain and central nervous system function, causing someone to feel...[ read more ]

Coping With Grief After Losing a Loved One

Have you recently lost a spouse, partner, child, parent, sibling, extended family member, friend, or pet? Grief after losing a loved one (also known as “bereavement”) can be one of the hardest experiences that a person can go through. To help you get through this difficult time, we’ve compiled the following tips for coping with the loss of someone you...[ read more ]

Do You Know the Signs of Someone Who is Suicidal?

According to the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention, over 47,000 people died by suicide in the United States in 2017. In the same year, there were an estimated 1,400,000 suicide attempts.Knowing the signs of suicide is the primary step in preventing someone you know and love from successfully taking their own life.The Warning Signs of SuicideHopelessnessMany individuals who are contemplating...[ read more ]

Are the “5 Stages of Grief” Real?

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance: these are the very well-known five stages of grief, as postulated by Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book On Death and Dying. At the time of the book’s publication, very little instruction was given in medical school on the subject of death and dying, which was what motivated Kübler-Ross to share her findings in her work with terminally...[ read more ]

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